
Businesses, Educational Institutions, Health Care, Government, Military, Faith-Based Organizations, Media, Volunteers, etc.

Building the Capacity of Communities

The Connecticut Family School Partnerships works to build the capacity of community partners who work with schools and families to improve student success through professional development. Examples include: parent leadership training, parent advisory groups, financial literacy and networking through Friday CAFE.

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Biological parents, foster care providers, adoptive parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, or fictive kin.


Educators, professionals in schools, early childhood settings, after school settings and community organizations, etc.


Businesses, Educational Institutions, Health Care, Government, Military, Faith-Based Organizations, Media, Volunteers, etc.

Virtual Hub for Communities

Videos and Podcasts

Webinars, Friday CAFE, recorded zoom meetings and panel discussions  

Professional Development

Parent Leadership training, parent advisory groups, financial literacy, networking through Friday Cafe.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Resources for communities to promote awareness on diversity, equity, and inclusion


Resources for families from families, schools and the community

Education / Special Education

Articles, Flyers, Toolkits, and resources to print and share with families, schools, and the community

Family Engagement

Articles, Flyers, Toolkits, and resources to print and share with families, schools, and the community

Friday CAFÉ

The Friday CAFÉ team collected some quality resources for home learning during Coronavirus.  All resources are free and include information for talking to children about Coronavirus, fun tips and tools, and comprehensive resources provided by leading family engagement organizations.

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The Connecticut Family School Partnerships bring together the expertise and resources of five diverse educational and family advocacy agencies committed to developing a Connecticut family engagement model that creates a culture of full, equal, and equitable partnerships between families, schools, and community partners to elevate student success.


Capitol Region Education Council (crec.org)
55 Van Dyke Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106