CFSP Advisory Council

The goal of the CFSP Advisory Council is to establish a stable forum for families and stakeholders to communicate ideas, share expertise and link resources to elevate family engagement practice and policy in Connecticut.

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Parent/Family Membership (57%)
Stakeholder Membership (43%)


Biological parents, foster care providers, adoptive parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, or fictive kin.


Educators, professionals in schools, early childhood settings, after school settings and community organizations, etc.


Businesses, Educational Institutions, Health Care, Government, Military, Faith-Based Organizations, Media, Volunteers, etc.

The Working Groups

The Innovative Work Groups offer Advisory Council members an opportunity to network, learn from others, and contribute ideas. These work groups include sub-committees dedicated to: 

Executive Committee

The CFSP Executive Advisory Committee provides leadership to the Advisory Council by convening quarterly meetings, acting as ambassadors for family engagement, making recommendations, advocating, and seeking partnerships to sustain enhanced family engagement policy and practice statewide.

Members include two Co-Chairs (one parent, one stakeholder), one secretary, three members of the Innovative Work Groups, and one national representative.


Productive, respectful, and responsive dialogue is foundational to building trusting relationships among families, schools, and community partners. 

The goal of the Communications Innovative Work Group is to work in collaboration to identify a communication need and develop a plan of action. Potential areas to consider are a CFSP website communication plan, resources for families about home learning, family engagement ambassadors, and parent-led training.

Links to Learning

Students gain emotionally, socially, and academically when there are strong connections between home and school.

The goal of the Innovate Links to Learning Innovative Work Group is to work in collaboration to identify a process, plan, or activity to establish opportunities for families and schools to share learning outcomes (hope and dreams) for students. Potential areas to consider are Parent -Teacher Home Visiting Programs, Parent-Teacher Compacts, Student Lead Conferences, Welcoming Schools, Parent-led School Orientation, and programming that supports ELL Families.

Parent Leadership

Building the capacity of families through leadership and advocacy to improve educational outcomes for all students is a priority for the CFSP Grant.

The goal of the Parent Leadership/Dual Capacity Innovative Work Group is to work in collaboration to identify, create, or expand leadership opportunities that promote an equal voice for families. Potential areas to consider are collaborating with current parent leadership training in CT, parent cafés, parent ambassador programming, equity training for families, and building a narrative that focuses on family strengths.

Access the Advisory Council and Partner Login Portal


Advisory Council Meetings & Dates

Advisory Council meetings are held on Thursdays from 1-2:30 via zoom. We are hopeful that in that in the spring they will be in-person. Download the flyer with the meeting dates

October 28, 2021
January 27, 2022
March 31, 2002
May 5, 2022

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Previous Meetings & Recordings

To access previous advisory council meetings and recordings, please click on the following links: 

Advisory Council – 1/21/21
Advisory Council – 4/8/21
Advisory Council – 9/23/20
Advisory Council – 10/22/20

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The Connecticut Family School Partnerships bring together the expertise and resources of five diverse educational and family advocacy agencies committed to developing a Connecticut family engagement model that creates a culture of full, equal, and equitable partnerships between families, schools, and community partners to elevate student success.


Capitol Region Education Council (crec.org)
55 Van Dyke Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106